
Mediumship Readings
What is Mediumship & what is a Reading?
Mediumship is an artform that has been learned, performed and used for thousands of years, by a select few to provide spiritual information and knowledge to many.
Whilst such skill has been brought forward from previous lives, it cannot be performed without proper instruction and training from a highly ethical organisation. I am proud to have been trained and qualified over a 15 year period with the
Sphinx Spiritual School of Learning.
Mediums, although on earth, use their spiritual energy to communicate with spirits existing in the spirit world,
and these spirits are called guides.
As a Qualified Medium, I am trained to energetically connect with and receive information from my guide, and to pass this information to you and this is called a Reading.
Often this will be put in ways that are not already apparent to you, thereby giving you a much deeper understanding
of your life’s journey.
This work is non sectarian so it allows you to maintain any religious beliefs you may have.
In essence, we are all here to grow and to overcome the challenges in our lives,
so anyone who has a desire for change, can benefit.
In a Reading, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, be provided with answers, and be given direction
to assist you in moving forward with your life.
Therefore, a Reading is both a shared, and meaningful experience for client and Medium.
You will also receive a recording of your session, so you can gain further insight from the Reading on future occasions.
If you are interested in a Reading, but would like to have a chat before booking, please feel free to contact me.
I am here to assist you with kindness & Pure Intent.
Appointment options
1 hour includes a recording of your session - $110 (in clinic)
40 minutes includes a recording of your session - $75 (in clinic)
20 minutes - $35 (Ad hoc)
(Contact me via text or Instagram to arrange an agreeable time.)
Payment credit card, direct debit or cash.
Readings are also available in person or remotely (i.e. Zoom, or Facetime)
Please provide 24 hrs notice if you need to cancel for any reason.

I have had readings before (good and bad) and I must say, Iana's gift is something so unique that it truly needs to be experienced to be believed. I was initially nervous. However, Iana's nature is comforting and understanding and her messages we scarily accurate and insightful. She starts the session with bringing messages from her guide, which I personally preferred as it helped me understand Iana's genuine connection to spirit leaving me with absolutely zero doubts when it came to the messages received and the answers to my questions in the second portion of the session. Iana's kindness makes this experience all the more comforting while the messages that come through are obviously truly unique, personalised and tailored to what happening deep within your soul and thoughts. I highly recommend a reading with Iana for anyone who needs some guidance and clarity.
Thank you, Iana, I am truly grateful. Talla